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Fucoidan and skin health: Recent research

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This selection of papers provides a useful overview of recent research relating to seaweed compounds - including fucoidans - for cosmetic and personal care applications.

1. Applying seaweed compounds in cosmetics, cosmeceuticals and nutricosmetics, Marine Drugs, 2021.
A review paper summarising the properties of different seaweed compounds, including fucoidan, as they relate to cosmetic and nutricosmetic use.

2. Seaweeds Compounds: An Ecosustainable Source of Cosmetic Ingredients? Cosmetics, 2021.
A general look at the cosmetic benefits offered by seaweed and its range of bioactive compounds. This paper focuses on the sustainability of seaweed and considers the safe sourcing of ingredients for the future.

3. Modulation of gene expression in a sterile atopic dermatitis model and Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus adhesion by fucoidan, Dermatopathology, 2021
An in vitro study exploring the potential of fucoidan to assist in the management of inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and ezcema.

4. Anti-Photoaging and Potential Skin Health Benefits of Seaweeds, Marine Drugs, 2021
A useful overview of recent studies on the anti-photaging properties of a number of seaweed-derived compounds.

5. Recent advances in industrial applications of seaweeds, Critical reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2021.
A summary of the latest applications of seaweeds their various metabolites across different industries including the cosmetic and dermatological categories.

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