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New study reveals pharmacokinetics of fucoidan

laboratory seaweed

A first-of-its-kind study, published in Marine Drugs, has evaluated the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of fucoidan in an animal model.

In the study, a single dose of fucoidan derived from the Fucus vesiculosus seaweed species was orally administered to rats. The concentration of fucoidan in plasma and tissue was then analysed.

Researchers reported that fucoidan distribution exhibited considerable heterogeneity – meaning that it spread widely throughout the body. It was found that fucoidan dispersed preferentially to organs with filtering functions, such as the kidneys, liver and spleen at very low levels.

The presence of fucoidan in these areas aligns with well-known protective effects as demonstrated in recent animal studies, such as:
• Enhancing the viability and prevention of death in spleen cells
• Reducing CCl4-induced acute and chronic liver failure
• Protective effects during chronic renal failure

Fucoidan was also detected in muscle tissue. This is unsurprising given that fucoidan has demonstrated a number of exercise-related benefits in other animal models.

The study reported no clinical signs of toxicity observed in the treatment group which is consistent with extensive safety studies in both animals and humans showing that fucoidan is safe for oral consumption.

This research provides a deeper understanding into the pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution of fucoidan and further highlights its diverse biological activity and potential in health applications.

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