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Rising global interest in seaweed

Seaweed underwater sparkling in the sunlight

The seaweed industry is increasingly capturing attention across the globe. With more than 12,000 species described to date, seaweeds hold promise to help address a wide range of issues - from climate change and food security to ecosystem management and human health.

A recent report released by the Global Seaweed Coalition highlights the results of the first two years of strategic international collaboration. The primary objective of the Global Seaweed Coalition is to provide a scientific vision for the seaweed sector and a platform for the dissemination of knowledge.

The report notes that seaweed aquaculture currently accounts for 51.3% of global mariculture production and is growing at a rate of 6.2% per year. To date, the Global Seaweed Coalition itself has funded more than 20 projects across 26 different countries. The projects are expected to have long-term impacts in the areas including food safety, packaging, technology and biosecurity.

The Global Seaweed Coalition is also focused on influencing policy at both local and global levels. It has been advocating for development to be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and for the adoption of best practice science and technology initiatives.

You can read the full report on the Global Seaweed Coalition website.

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